Thursday, November 28, 2013

*** Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers ***

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are normally small lesions that develop in your mouth or at the base of your gums. They are annoying and can make eating, drinking, and talking uncomfortable. 

To know about the home remedies to get rid of mouth ulcers,

1. Gargle alternately with hot and cold water to treat the mouth ulcer. Or alternately, take a fresh coconut and take its fresh milk and gargle with it 4 times a day.

2. Boil any of these ingredients in water and use it for gargle 4-5 times a day to treat ulcers: fenugreek seeds, basil leaves (can chew directly as well).

3. Consume tomatoes to treat ulcers and consume a bit of turmeric or apply it mixed with glycerin

4. Apply crushed ice on your mouth ulcers to reduce the pain and at the same time numb the area of sensation to get relief from pain

5. Try and use aloe vera for treatment of mouth ulcers. Take 2 spoonful of juice of aloe vera to heal the mouth ulcers and keep it going until the ulcers are gone.

6. Use mouthwash to treat your mouth ulcers. Not only will it help to rinse your mouth clean but also give relief from ulcers.

7. Have a lot of yogurt as it is rich in vitamin C and Vitamin C is good for gum and mouth problems.

8. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables for salad and if possible binge on onions as they help treat mouth ulcers

9. Application of peppermint oil on the ulcer can also help relieve the pain and irritation caused by mouth ulcers and help treat them

10. Licorice and pomegranate can also help treat ulcers. Consume them directly or apply after making a paste on the ulcer.

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